Welcome Sister in Christ,
Here’s the first thing you should know about me. When it comes to the Bible, I only claim to know that which the Holy Spirit has revealed to me and grown in me. I’m no Bible scholar and there are those who are much smarter and advanced in studies than I am. So what I do I really have to offer you? My sincere passion to give what knowledge I have and the resources for deeper study.
When I was first asked to lead a bible study in our church, I had already been praying and asking God how He could use me. My husband and children both found their niches in ministry but I was in a longer season of waiting for how He would use me. Leading a bible study was never in the realm of possibilities for me, so I thought. I’ve never thought of myself as someone who could teach and to be honest, I still feel that way. I never saw myself leading others when I felt like memorizing scripture, praying out loud and knowing things of the bible seemed almost impossible for me to ever do. That was meant for someone else, much more spiritually wise and mature than me. So when the opportunity presented itself, I literally laughed out loud and immediately said no.
In my immediate laughter however, I felt the conviction of not willingly answering the call. I prayed about it and just said “Lord, have your way in me”. There was a lot anxiety on my part in leading because I didn’t feel I knew what I was doing. “What if no one signs up for my group? What if I they think I’m stupid? What if….what if….what it….?” Turns out, God equips the called. He gives you what you need to accomplish His will. (2Tim. 3:17)
I committed myself to the Lord and took the first study seriously (and subsequently all that followed). I dove into it, and learned as much as I could, and then learned even more when I would find commentaries, resources, sermons and other websites in my search for understanding the scriptures. Through all of that studying, I got really excited and just wanted to share with the others in my group, who lovingly and patiently allowed me to grow with them, all that I was learning. There was a true appreciation on their part for my efforts of “nuggets” (as I called them) I came across and what God was doing in my life. It was too good to keep to myself and how could it I keep it and not share with others?
My life, however, did not stop in the seasons that God would continue to use to grow me. Really tough and painful seasons, and my being in the word everyday to hear from God and really getting to know Him, helped me through the most painful of times. It allowed me to be weak and press into Jesus, rather than trying to be strong and pushing away the issue and just getting through it. My hunger and thirst for Jesus sustained me in scripture and therefore led me to share with others what God was doing in my life. Maybe there was something there that God gave me that others could use to sustain them?
I have learned to pray before studying and inviting the Holy Spirit to guide me and teach me what it was that I was supposed to know at the time. I have learned the sweet and joyful presence of the Holy Spirit in my prayer life as it deepened. I have learned how exciting the Bible really is and how very much ALIVE it is! I have learned that my faith and relationship with Christ is unlike anything else I could have imagined.
I don’t want to keep anything I’m learning to myself. I don’t want to be the keeper of the information. I don’t want my pride to get in the way and say “only I can have this and give it out to others so they can come to me”. NO!!! I want to give it to all who would take it freely so that I can honor the Lord in His calling me to give to others all that I learn. I want you to experience God, His goodness and perfect will, Jesus and the gift of His “easy yolk and light burden” (Matt. 11:30) and the power of the Holy Spirit to work in and thru you. These are the things I want for you my dear Sister in Christ.
So here at this website, as we continue to grow in our study of the Word, are my notes, the resources, where to find it, and how to grow in your knowledge. But please remember sister, your head knowledge of the word is only as useful as it is in your heart. Psalm 119:11 “I have stored up your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.” ESV
I hope you are blessed here.